Help me with this

My real good friend likes the guy I like but I have been hurt to many times by guys and never had a boyfriend. So how do I tell mt friend that I like him with out hurting her or making her feel bad. I am 18 my friend is 20 and the guy that we both like is 22. Also how do I tell him I like him? The thing is I am not shy I am outgoing I just cant seem to get a guy to date me or even like me.

Answer #1

First you should try 2 find out who he likes…u or your frnd!!! because if you tell your frnd that you like him and then tell him and then you find out that he likes your frnd…your gna be screwed!! bt if he likes you then you should tell your frnd right away!!! Bt it also depends on how you met him!!! like if she introduced you 2 him and said this is the cute guy I like then you should just back off bt if you both met him at the same time go 4 it!!!

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