Help me with hallloween && betrayul. :(

I don’t know how 2 spell betral? Lol. Mmmkay weel costume/betrayl dillema::

What should I be for holloween, im going w/ me 14 year old friend [girl] me 2 [girl] lol && we are not gonna get things that are alike, so it can be random, please give me as much as possible 2 choose fro,, and where to get it. Thnxxx, oh && the betrayul part is that me & my sister were gonna go together but she bailed on me the day we were gonna get are costumes…so yeah. Pls & thnxx it’d be a great help. :d.

Answer #1

First things first … it’s spelt betrayal lol.

Try to be unique … most girls dress up kinda sluutty.

If your into that kinda stuff… try a sexy nurse … sexy cop … sexy police officer, etc. etc.

But if you want to try something unique go for like a football player … I know this one girl that dressed up as macaroni and cheese lol it was awesome!!

You could go as like a kitten, and junk I know lots of girls that wore that … like cat ears and all black tights.

As for where you could buy the costume, it depends on where you live … Here there is a place called party mart where everyone gets their costumes, they have a huge selection.

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