help me through this stage!!!

ok im 13 and im going through my teen years and I dont know whats wrong with me cause soemtimes I can be really happy and sometiems I feel like something is missing and I dont make friends easily

also I really liek these emo pictures but im not emo am I ??? what is happening to me???

Answer #1

You are at an age where your hormones and emotions are all messed up and you tend to find yourself in a state of confusion, often.

Don’t worry about it. You will grow past it and find that life is very rewarding and really does make sense.

Answer #2

its called growing up. I know how you feel. if you dont make friends easily, then keep the friends you have close. or if you want to make more friends, join a sport, after school things. and when you are getting older, you have moodswings. maybe that something missing is a best friend, an animal, a boyfriend, or maybe you just want more time with the ones you love. and just because you like emo pictures, dosent mean you are emo. I listen to emo music, I Love emo pictures, and I even have some emo clothes. and I shop in a kind of emo store. but that doesnt mean im emo. I also like hollister but im not preppy or anything. you arent emo. you are YOU. and thats the best to be. if you need more advice or have any questions, funmail me and ill try my best to help. =]

Answer #3

you sound depressed. that doesnt make you emo it just means that you have a desire that you are not seeing, perhaps its lust and you want a partner, perhaps you arent satisfied with your grades. its impossible for me to say the exact issue, but you are just maturing through your teen years, its going to continue for another 6 or 7 years, during which you will hate your parents and they will hate you back. personally I think the thing you are missing though is a companion, they can cheer you up. Fun mail me if you like my advice, I can elaborate on it much more.

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