help me this extcay

okay I love extcay but some one told me if you haev sex its not the same when you solber, is this true???

Answer #1

Extacy effects your brain and th functioning of your body’s metabolism in many ways. In this sens it will change not only the way you feel emotionally but also physically. This means that activities like sex will also be modified and therefore not the same as if you were sober. Since when you are on extacy you are prone to false feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, empathy toward others, a general sense of well being, decreased anxiety and enhanced sensory perception you will most likely not feel the same when sober.

Of course as an extacy user you are also prone to hallucinations, dysfunction of your cardiovascular system, memory loss, reduced dexterity and motor skills, reduced mental skills, hypothermia, anxiety, nausea, sweating, involuntary clenching of the teeth, muscle cramping, blurred vision, panic attacks and in severe cases loss of consciousness and seizures. This would also obviously affect your sexual relationships. To top it all off, research has indicated that users of extacy are also prone to impotency and reduced interest in and pleasure from sex.

So if I was you I’d lay off the stuff as much as possible!

BUT If you do decide to take some fallow witch’s advice: stay hydrated, don’t take more then one AND don’t mix it with other drugs or alcohol, also remember to sit down and relax every once in awhile.

Mostly learn to enjoy sex and life without drugs!!

Frankly the long term side effects aren’t worth it!

Here check this out for more info:

Answer #2

thats what I’ve always heard . I’ve had sex on e and all it really does is makes it harder fo uto bust so bruh all you gonna do is last longer thats what it did to me at least I don’t know maybe every body is different but I doubt it . man just do yo thing but dont pop to much and stay well hidrated / drink a lot of water because e drains your spinal fluid thats why your back hurts the next day. unless you drink alott of fluids.


Answer #3

With my experiences on Ecstasy (I’ve done it multiple times), I’ve had no issues with sex on it.. I’d say no to sex wile you’re at your very high, but that’s about it.. Every time my boyfriend and myself have done it, it’s been after we’ve mostly come down. Sex ISN’T the same sober, but it’s not exactly ruined. My boyfriend has no trouble getting an erection, and I have no trouble getting in the mood. I’d just say, don’t do it when you’re on the peak of your high.. Hope this helped.

Answer #4

Wow, you are both idiotic. One: you can’t even spell ecstasy, two: you take it in the first place.

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