help me please

help me please.. I just want to know if I will get my second chance and if he still likes me.

Answer #1

I dated this boy for 8 months. He broke up with me, but claimed we were on a “break”. He ended up asking me out again 4 months later. But during this break, we never really talked. We never called each other just to talk. We walked right by each other in the halls. Then one day his mind changed about me. He’d look at me every once in a while. His friends would ask me about him. One day he finally called me, just to talk. We got caught up and he asked me out 2 conversations later. I never lost feelings for him, though. Of course, I said yes and we dated another 5 months.

But it really depends on the boy. Some people say they’ll never date a person twice. Others don’t really care about that. I thought he hated me after he broke up with me, but he had feelings for me the whole time. I didn’t know that and he sure did a good job of hiding that (until he started to call me again). Looking back, I kind of regreted not calling him and admitting I still liked him.

If I were in your situation again, I’d definately start to talk to him more about the small things… take small steps. I’d eventually work my way up to asking him if he had any feelings. Just do what feels right and follow your instincts.

Answer #2

who wat when where??

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