What am I doing wrong?

ok basicly, im a 19 year old, healthy, trendy guy, im a nice guy and would never do anything to hurt a girl. im kinda fussy about who I get into relationships with but nearly every girl I get strong feelings for either doesnt go for the “nice guy” or they just see me as the kinda “gay best friend” even tho im not gay, I treat girls with respect and everything but all the girls I get feelings for that do go for nice guys don’t seem to want to get into a relationship, I don’t understand what im doin wrong, im not a control freak and im not clingy, what am I doin wrong? please tell me.

Answer #1

Dear domyb88, First of all nice guys don’t finish last…what a crock. But there is something you said that brings it home: you have strong feelings for…but they see you as a friend. Girls can pick up when a guy is falling too fast and this can be truly scary. What I mean by that is I bet your first dates are a wonderful dinners and perhaps a rose, or a cute teddy bear. You call her later to thank her for a wonderful evening and lets get together tomorrow for lunch. Sounds like something out of a book…and that’s where it belongs. It must go slow, not everyone is very personable, in fact most of us are pretty shy. The first dates should be a cup of coffee and perhaps a hour of chit chat and goodbye perhaps we can meet again next week. Also you are fussy about your dating so you probably are only dating someone based on appearance. This will really limit your experiences. It’s difficult to say just why you are having trouble without knowing more but start dating outside your preference zone and take it slow; no dinners or roses but take time and plenty of it to get to know them. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

well I know, because I’ve had this feeling towards my last ex and ill tell you why? because his niceness was to much of a pushover niceness, it didnt appeal to me. he thought he wasnt clingy but he was, not as in constantly calling me or owt, but it got annoyin when he would say he had feelings for me because we wernt together that long, and I never felt that close bond with him, at all, it was when I got to know his personality, he wasnt exciting, spontaneous, funny. he would be basic and normal but always nice. the niceness aint any good without a bit of cheekiness, I mean c’mon all girls love a bit of a cheeky chappy, makes us smile. but if your ment to be together then thats destiny but obviously these relationships wernt ment to be. especially if theres no connection/chemistry/lust for one another…get me…:)

Answer #3

dude serisouly its the same for me !! girls say im “the perfect fella” yet ..they don’t want anything …I treated my las girlfreind with respect and like a princess !! I did anything for her an she dumped me a day after christmas !! like c’mon what the f*ck…really messed me up dude…I aint the best lkin guy out there an my ex was hot ! what I did was charm them..dont say theyre fit, sexy an all this …tell them their beuatiful, pretty, gorgous and dude its not gay to say those things..trust me it works…always be there if they needa talk jus dont let them walk all over you …I’ve let it happen me too many times..the best thing to do is too let things happen the way they happen…lifes to short to worry over girls dude..think about it they jus a small chapter in your life … make mistakes but learn from every one !! and live with no regrets ! because tomrow isnt promised today ..I hope you find sumone good dude ..we both need it since we such “ nice guys”

Answer #4

I don’t think I try anything, im jus myself all the time, yea I make jokes we have great laugh, I make her laugh a lot to be honest

Answer #5

I hear this all the time and can’t understand it, but I can see how it happens.

Nice guys, meaning guys that try to get to know a woman on a platonic level first, instead of coming on heavy like a casanova, usually end up falling into the role of “friend” for a woman. I wonder if this is because it’s so refreshing for a woman to be treated like this and she enjoys having a male as a friend? And meanwhile, the guy is realizing that if he asks her for a date, she may turn around and say, “OH, I never thought of you like THAT…” and the guy will be completely demoralized and wonder about his masculinity.

Why does this happen? How can the nice guy get a date? Are women overlooking the obvious? What makes a woman want a badboy?

We need to ask sue90… our resident love and relationships expert… I bet she has the answer!

Answer #6

Im not quite sure about the week thing..I dont think two people who like each other are shy, if they like each other infact they are willing to let things go from the freind state to the lovers state..It’s just attraction.. if a girl that you like likes you(both physically and emotionally..in that order) then thats it.. I think nice guys should get more chances than they usually get..just a rule..like how all the idiots get interesting girls

Answer #7

we only started hangin round about 4 months ago but back then she was the same as she is now

Answer #8

how long have you guys been talking/hanging out? maybe she developed a “too good of friend to date” type of relationship?

Answer #9

Do you ever make jokes or anything? You might be trying overly hard to be polite.

Answer #10

lol I dont smell, im actually a very hygenic person.

Answer #11

Hmm… Check for BO

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