Help me please!!!

ok so this is a serious question I really need help. ok I know its not easy to talk about sex… especialy to your parents. but my boyfriend and I want to do it on my birthday in april. and I was going to ask my mom for birth control but my sis said that it doesnt work till like 2 weeks after you start useing it. and so I was going to ask in march. but lately I’ve been wanting to ask but im scared. and I only talk about this with my friends and my sister never my parents cause im scared theyll flip out but like I need to know when to ask and how to ask her for birth control and if she asks why should I tell her about my birthday or not? I like totaly need help with this.

Answer #1

you could tell your mother that you want to go on the pill to have less periods… or you can go to a free clinic and get some… good luck…

Answer #2

Well I think you are to young but anyway , when I went on B.C my doctor told me it could take a couple of months till I am fully protected, even then it is only 99.9% safe. and what about STD’s I would use a condom, one- he can buy them in a store and not have to tell parents, two only you know what kind of topic you can talk to your parents about and how to deliver the message. Three you could also go to a plan parent hood clinic to get birth control. If you approach your mother like an adult and not freak out, she may relize you are growing up and maybe it is time to get you to a doctor and on the pill.

Answer #3

and I have the condums already I get them from my sister.

Answer #4

just use a condom ! ((: or have him pull out before.. but having him pull out isnt always safer.

Answer #5

ay just dont tell her there are lots of clinics that give out free birth control

Answer #6

umm use a condom

its much safer

Answer #7

Don’t involve your dad. If you have a good relationship with your mom then I’d talk to her NOW about it explaining that you think you might be getting sexually active in a few months and that you would like to get on the pill now so that your body will be in sync with it. I would, however, still use a condom even while on the pill because it not only doubly protects you from getting pregnant but also helps protect you from STDs.

However, IMHO, just because you’re turning 16 doesn’t mean that you MUST start having sex. From your college question it looks like you are planning some serious studies ahead of you. Once you start having sex it may become addictive in which case it may become a distraction from your studies. You might want to reconsider getting involved is sex for a few more years.

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