!!Help Me Out Please!!

Im a tomboy and I think imstarting to like my bestfriend (darius) who I have been with my whole life. We do everything together (eat,sleep,play basketball,hang out,etc.), Our parents are best friends,and I’ve never been intersted in guys. I’ve been feeling werid all of a sudden. Darius called me while I was hanging out with my female best friends and told me he was dating someone and I bursted out crying(I never cry.NEVER.) I cant look him in the face or talk to him now because he is always w/ his girlfriend. what do I do?

Answer #1

back away for a while because he has a girlfriend it’s okay just hang in there don’t do anything stupid make sure you don’t tell him how you feel while he’s still with his girlfriend and mess everything up for him think about your friendship with him try talking to other guys spend more time with your girlfriends to distract yourself from him have fun don’t think about him I feel for you hope everything works out I’m sorry if I’m not much of help

Answer #2

yes I do…

Answer #3

well, I think that you should tell him. but maybe wait for them to break up. always be there for him. and since your a tomboy, he could just think of you as another one of his guy friends. [only still your best friends] show him that you care, and maybe he’ll care back. DONT try and get him and his girlfriend to break up, he’ll get mad at you for that and that wont help any. good luck!!

Answer #4

Sometimes opposite sex friendships are just that, a friendship. More times than any when a boy & girl have been friends for so long, thats all that ever becomes of the relationship. Even if one of them falls for the other, the other one only feels friendship, thats why he is with another girl. He most likely just sees you as a close friend, not girlfriend material.

Answer #5

You totally like him!!! I use to have a thing for my bestfriend way back when cause we had grown up together and everything too but while he is with his girlfriend you have to continue to be his bestfriend!! You have to be there 100% for him cause when they break up he is gunna need his bestfriend and he could end up hating you if you tried to break them up. Im sry your going through this its never fun when the one you want to be with is with someone else but if he is your bestfriend you’ll be able to put your friendship first… this personally is what I think but someone may tell you different… But whatever advice you choose make sure you lead your heart in the right place

Answer #6

are it suit yourself bye

Answer #7

yeah well I do so too bad

Answer #8

well you shouldnt

Answer #9

the same thing happend 2 me I felt ashamed do feel like your he only one this happend 2

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