Help me now plezz boyfriend emergencyyy

My boyf is cuming over tonite and I think its the nyt.. You know like the nyt… I dont think I am redy.. And we do not talk abt it so , if he does sthg, what should I do to turn him down, … Do I kiss him, or like talk or tell him to leave or what, I dont want to ruin our relationship and we have been dating for 7 weeks

Answer #1

You mean sex?

If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. Don’t let anyone force you into doing it if you don’t want to. If he really cares he won’t push you.

oh and you TALK to him. you need to talk about these things before doing them.

Answer #2

7 weeks is NOT that long. If he wants sex (which is WAYYY too soon) and he doesnt take no for an answer, then he doesnt care about you. No one should pressure you into doing anything you dont wanna do. You simply tell him ‘NO”. Its simple and right to the point. You should NEVER worry that you will hurt a boys feelings, because sex is NOT a game, and its YOUR body, and YOUR decision!!

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