Help me! I am so freaked out!

Oh my god. Earlier today, I was in my bathroom. I was home alone, and The house phone started ringing. My house phone is disconnected!! Is there a possible explination to this?! I’m really freaked out!!

Answer #1

You might haave just been hearing things because you were creeped out haha But that is really freakky though and I would want answers too! lol

Answer #2

tv, radio maybe the house next to you???

do you have another house phone???

Answer #3

maybe when your parents left, they plugged the phone back in incase of emergencies without you knowing about it.

hope I could of helped

Answer #4

No. The T.V wasn’t on, No radio, nothing. I was completley alone in the house. And no I don’t live alone. I live with my parents but they were at work. I don’t know what it is. Could Ghosts do that?

Answer #5

how could it be a prankster if my phone is disconnected! and im not hearing things because I had enough courage to stick my hand out of the bathroom and record the ringing with my cell phone.

Answer #6

Possibly a prankster - you’re fine.

Answer #7

was anything on like a tv,radio..? Thats’s creepy. you live alone?

Answer #8

Wow then I have no clue. ghosts maybe lol What do you think it is?

Answer #9

Did you have your tv on? Maybe you heard that?

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