How can I be anorexic?

how to be anorexic help my wight is 112 bound i wannna be 94

Answer #1


I’m going to give you the exact same answer that versawun gave someone else with a similar question, because it is good advice and s/he hit the nail on the head.

Anorexia is a mental, physical, emotional illness. It starts with you thinking you’re fat, and losing weight to a point where you’re no longer physically healthy, and you become stressed to the point you are ready to die losing weight. Recovery is expensive and rarely works because it never leaves your mind completely. You’re gonna love the feeding tubes. When you get out, if you dont kill yourself or starve to death, you will have damaged your health enough to kill you in the long-run… It’s not just something you wake up one morning and decide you wanna do…Even if you tried, you couldnt just jump into it…

Trust me when I tell you, you dont want it.

To be healthy, you could always: ~drink green tea & Wulong tea. ~ limit your calories during the day ~eat smaller meals throughout the day ~take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water ~EXERCISE ( i cant stress it enough…) ~get enough sleep ~dont starve for days on end, it messes up your metabolism… ~drick ice cold water ~eat plenty fruits and vegetables

See this thread for more information on how anorexia can kill you, and please talk to someone in real life about how you can get help to lose weight in a healthy way.

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