Does getting your period hurt

Does getting your period hurt I hear it does but I dont know and im like 13 and only 2 other girls that are my friends have had I and ifeel weierd asking them so are they early or am I late ppls help me I relly want to know

Ps only girls answer this please

Answer #1

When I first started my period, I was about 11 years old. I was at Basha’s with my friend and I was wearing black(thank god) Dance/exercise/spandex shorts. I felt something wet and I thought maybe I sat in something, or maybe it was sweat ( Lived in Arizona :P . I didn’t bother checking it at all, because I was young and wasn’t planning on having a period. It did not hurt, I felt nothing no signs of pain. I go home that day, go to the bathroom to go tinkle, and see blood ALL over the place. I ran out bear bottomed with my pants at my ankles screaming at my mom “WHAT IS THIS, WHAT IS THIS!” and she was on the phone with a family friend, and she’s like “OH MY GOD YOU STARTED YOUR PERIOD…MARGERET, SHE STARTED HER FIRST PERIOD SHES BECOMING A WOMAN!!” embarassing.

Point of the story is, I felt no pain at all when I first started, and over the years (I’m 21 now) I’ve had some random periods. Some hurt like a mofo, some I don’t even feel… Some are every 3 months, some don’t start for 6 months! It just all depends.

It varies from person to person, and also diet and exercise, and weight gain can change a period big time. You should have no worries though. At first it could be a bit annoying changing pads, or if your lucky you’ll be able to use tampons (some parents don’t allow their daughters to wear them, I don’t know how your parents are) Tampons are nice though so if you can beg your mom to let you use them, do so…Pads get wet fast, and tend to start stinking like dried blood if you leave them on for an hour too long (sorry to be graphic, but its the truth) You should always change pads and tampons as much as possible though. Don’t want to get any infections or stinky problems :P

Answer #2

thats how I feel, but the strange thing is, I had my frist period, in like june, and its now september and Nothings happpened apart from discharges…HELP?

Answer #3

its normal..I had my first one at night and woke in the morning I saw my bed wet with blood..I ran to my mom screaming, thinking that I was was 13..but it didnt hurt..I still dont get cramps but I get really emotional during that like Moe214 say “ every girl is different” she’s right..but its nothing to be scared of

Answer #4

its normal I got my first period in a basketball game wearing all white and diddnt have it for another six months (2008) now I being 14 got it regular 3 months ago so its normal your not late and there not early it just depends on the person :) :) :) hoped I helped!

Answer #5

Every girl is different. You get cramps in your back/lower stomach… sometimes it’s not so bad and sometimes you want to choke someone. There’s pills to help with it (Midol) which eases the pain. :) It’s nothing to worry about.. every woman has gone through it. :)

Answer #6

when you first start it usually does but thats because your body is going through a new phase and it has to get used to it. and no your not late or early some girls start at 11 or they can start at 13. it just depends on the girls hormones.

Answer #7

mine doo

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