
if you read my previous problem, this girl has been telling me that im a fat a* Bitch and ever since then, I just HAVE to lose weight. right now I cant do that much because its that time of the month but what should I do to get started? what foods should I eat? I want to lose AS MUCH WEIGHT AS POSSIBLE so I can go up to Hillary and just be like “no…im not fat” =) and walk away

Answer #1

I totally agree with stillis1s =] dont change for anyone, they only want to see you fail at something those stupid people, dont listen to them. but if you believe that you need to loose weight for like health reasons, then you can do it because I believe that anyone can do anything and be anything they want to be if they put their mind to it. im on a diet too and its hard at first but then you get used to it so be strong and hold on im sure youll do great =) and btw I saw your pics and you r NOT fat!!! tell those people to get a life for making fun of people that actually have one. hope I helped :D

Answer #2

Never change yourself to make someone else happy or to throw it in someones face - thats just not the right reason. If you truly want to lose weight for yourself then eat more healthy and stay active. Its something you have to keep with and you cant expect results right away.

Answer #3

tell her to back off she is just telling you that because she likes your boy friend and she cant have him so rub that in her face!!! I would kick her as*!!!

Answer #4

You look really good now. I dont think you should lose weight because of some other people. Honestly, dont worth it.

If you really want to lose weight, exercise and eat healthy. Drink plenty of water. Dont ever go for unhealthy diet or diet pills.

Conifident women are the most beautiful women in the world. So be confident.

Good luck ! ^^

Answer #5

dont listen to her it would bring her too much satisfaction to see you working so hard to lose weight just go on being you and being proud cause honestly I dont think shes worth it shes probably trying to lose weight and she cant so shes makin it seem like you have a problem not her

Answer #6

Well most of the time when girls say that it means there are jelouse. But dont eat red meat eat chicken and seafood it helps. Drink a lot of water jogg and walk would be the best

Answer #7

you don’t have to lose weight. you can go up to hilary RIGHT NOW and be like “no I’m not fat” and it’ll be true. wanting to lose a whole bunch of weight is just giving her power.. it showing that she’s found your weakness and she’s winning. don’t let that happen. she’s obviously insecure too. go right in her face, eat a giant cheeseburger and be like “even if I was fat, I’d still be hotter than you. :)”

don’t let the words of a fool affect you.

Answer #8

haha, sounds like my problem. I’m constantly on a diet and miserable trying to lose weight cause I’ve got it in my head that people will only like me if I’m skinny because I got made fun of too much growing up. You shouldn’t lose weight because someone makes fun of you. You probably aren’t even fat. If you lose weight for that reason, you’ll be like me, miserable, with major issues with food, depressed because the right amount of weight won’t come off, obessed, and oh…did I mention miserable? Be happy with yourself and be uber confident. If you show that girl that you don’t care, it’ll probably make her shut up. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen.

Answer #9

You have to lose weight because some idiot spouted her mouth off? That is completely ridiculous! There’s nothing wrong with the way you look, you’re not fat… And why would you want to look starved because someone’s being stupid? I’m assuming the admin already deleted her comment, because the comment isnt there… Stop listening to people who need to get a life, and move on… There’s nothing wrong with the way you look and you dont need to prove anything to anyone

Answer #10

um go c your docta 2 find out what your body type is and ask what diet should you go on or you can go 2 your library and look @ books 2 lose w8 . find books that are targeted 2 teenagers so you can relate 2 it and undastand it! hope that helps! aslo with dis person that iz doing this 2 them , you can eitha tell pplz about it or ignore it! xoxo

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