Sign of pregnancy or implant?

I got implant in but had unpertected sex before I had it but I dont know whats the signs is pregnancy or the implant. I only want nice comments no one jugding me as I dont know what it is and why this is happpening and it could change my life and I want people views on it.

Answer #1

You said in your reply above: ‘I wanted women thats gone through it not a guys view’.

Incorrect, you actually said in your question: ‘ I want people views on it.’ I class myself as being one of the aforementioned ‘people’ and have therefore posted some advice and clarification questions.

You have had LOADS of womans views on your previous questions Tammy!

You remember, all those questions that you decided to delete from your home page and make anonymous after all the advice that people took the time to give you…

Now we start all over again but although you have removed your original posts from your page, they can all still be found on here easily enough as they all have your photo on them. (even though you have marked them as anonymous.

And this doesnt include your baby related questions that you asked me to delete because they were ‘upsetting you’.


Answer #2

Here we go again…

Get a pregnancy test Tammy like you have already been advised to do many times and which you have said that you had done over a week ago and that it came up negative.

You have been given advice on top of advice on this matter by many people through the question pages.

You have been given support and advice by many people on instant messaging.

You have been given support and advice by many people by Funmail messaging

You have been given support and advice by many people on funmails

You have been given links to sites that may be able to help you

AND, You have deleted all these questions from your home page and made them anonymous. (With a big pic of you next to the many ‘anonymous’ questions and replies that you have posted on this matter) Please, what more are you after…?

And you now post this one saying that you only want nice comments. So if you only want nice comments you dont want helpful advice.

This is the FunAdvice site not the nice fluffy comments site. People generally do care and do like to give advice to you but it would be nice if you maybe just listened to some of it. :)

It really is not a matter of anyone being mean, many people have tried to advise you as I have just said, but please, for the love of God, what is it exactly that you want to hear from us?


runs off, gibbering, dribbling and screaming…

Answer #3

I think it effected a lot. I think it could be a possible too like as I been getting signs and everything. and I been to docotors and I took a wee test in and I get resuits tomrrow, im scared but I would reather like to know.

Answer #4

I hope you know the implant was not going to stop pregnany, its not a last minute thing you can do like the moring after pill. so its very possible that you could be pregnant. the implant wont stop that, but depending on the chemicals it releases, it could affect the baby. get a pregnany test

Answer #5

I read it all and been thinking what people have been telling me. and I have been using the advise a lot on how to tell my boyfriend and everything.

what about my pics. its 2 pics of me and one of my boyfriend . this to my picture isnt realted at all

Answer #6

I have had a wee test done so I will get resuits in 2 days time as again , I wanted women thats gone through it not a guys view as women understand whats it like.

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