Which guy should I be with?

im confused because there are these 2 guys that say they both love me and I am going out with one of them but I think I am losing my feelings for him and the other one is a really nice guy but I just dont like him that way and then there is the other guy who I think I am getting really strong feelings for but he really doesnt like me. My friends just say stick with the one I am with but I dont know and I think I really like this other guy that doesnt like me at all and how do I get ova him?? please help me!! I am really confused..

Answer #1

if your losing feelings for your recent boyfriend and are in love with some other guy you should break up with your boyfriend and for the other guy thats in love with you just be his friend and then the guy that you like just be be his friend but after a while make him come to you because guys like a challege so it could make him like you besides being single is better neways. its rocks that you have 2 guys lined up!! hope this will help!!

Answer #2

Ok if you are loosing your feeling for the one your with dump him! I have been in these kinda relationships where I stop liking the guy and I hate it! It makes life so stressful and complicated. To get over the other guy completely stop all contact with him so don’t talk to him, try to avoid seeing him etc. Hope this helped hunni! x

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