Which one of these men?

Well Im 20 years old and I was with this marine for a very long time! We were engaged to be married july of 2007 but he was going to Iraq and he didnt want to make me a widow and didnt want to my child to be without a father if we had goten pregnant before he left… so we broke up completley! but we remained friends since then… and in september I found another man and fell in love with him and I’m still with him.. but my x is callin me and tellin me ‘ I want to have a baby with u’ I told him that I need to be with him for the long run in order to have a baby with him… I do love him still and I think the only reason I would have a baby with him is because my boyfriend now doesnt like kids and doesnt want them and I do… I don’t know what to do!!! I love both but the x isnt ready to have a commited relationship and wants a baby…but I love my boyfriend im with and want to be with him and he wants to marry me but doesnt want kids…HELP!!! And NO it wouldnt be now that I would have it I want to wait until college is done… I want to be married when I have children thats why Im stuck!!!

Answer #1

UGH its so hard… because I love them both!!! but the Marine isnt ready for a commitment and I have a commitment now… but one wants children and one doesnt!!! UGH!!! This is so hard…thanks for your advice!!!

Answer #2

god thats a right pickle aint it…well from your story that sounds really sad :( about the guy going to iraq if what he said was true, he didnt want you to have a broken family. if this other guy doesnt want kids then he can never make you happy. at least you will have what you want with the marine guy. I personally think you should go with him,I get a sense that you want him more, it may be fate me tellin you 2 go with him, bekuz I was just looking thru quickly before I go so…go with the army guy :)

Answer #3

Its just hard because Ill be done with college in june!!! and the marine is being deployed again and I don’t know… your right I’ll just wait it out and see… thanks so much

Answer #4

Well continue to look around for someone who wants kids and is willing to be in a long devoted relationship. Don’t rush yourself to have a kid; make sure you find someone that loves you first and wants the same things you do.
But if I were to choose between the marine and the b/f. I would say the b/f. All you need to do is talk to him and tell him how you feel. How you want kids in the future. If he doesn’t understand, leave him b/c your just wasting your time. Then try talking to the marine and see if he is willing to be committed in a relationship. If not leave him and keep searching.
Hope my advice helps Good Luck =)

Answer #5

First finish your college. Meantime you may meet that guys who you want. Be with your present b/f, but if your ex appears you may see him too. You will see how you feel about him. Since you do not want to marry you can date with both of them for a while. If after your college you feel the urge to have kids, and be a mother, then you have to choose that man whon seems to the best husband and father for a long time. Till that you should not not torture yourself with hesitation between the two guys.

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