Help I want to go into labor

I want to go ino labor I am 36 wks and 2 day’s I asked my doc about sweeping me but she gave me a nasty look and said we don’t do that. I don’t know what to do. I can’t have sex my husband is outta town, scared to drink castor oil, tried the nipple stimulation, hot bath didn’t work. And don’t have a health food store here. The only thing spicy food does is make my food taste better. Help!!! I am in so much pain and cant hardly get outta bed what should I do

Answer #1

With all 3 of my children I threw up at least 10-15 times a day, everyday. I had migraines, Toxemia and Gestational diabetes, pressure and pain from my ribs down to my groin from the 34th week and on. My oldest was turned backwards and pushed constantly against my ribs (that was pain)…and never once did I ask for my doctor to induce labor. I new that the safest place for my children was inside of me so I dealt with the pain and kept reminding myself that it would end soon. Your doctor said that the baby would be able to survive…if you had it naturally. He/she did not say that you should have the baby now. Most doctors will not induce if the mother and baby are not in danger…and obviously you’re not.

Let your child finish developing and deal with the pain…after all there are women all over the world with it worse than you and they carry to term. There are a lot different methods for bringing on labor but none of them are guaranteed to work…NONE of THEM.

And when you ask a question you’re going to get answers you don’t like…that’s not a reason to call people stupid. You’re a mother, you know what the health risks are to a baby born early, keep your child safe and deal with it. As for how far along you are…you said in your question that you’re 36 weeks and 2 days, that’s not 37 weeks.

Answer #2

my doctor is the one that said I could have the baby.

She also gave you a nasty look when you asked about ‘’sweeping’’ …figure it out, idiot…

its not the baby that is the problem you stupid people its my body

If the baby wasn’t the problem, then you wouldn’t be wanting to go into labor early… idiot…

Answer #3

my doctor is the one that said I could have the baby. I have two of them apparently DUH!!! people and I am 37 wks I am due nov 22 so what now? besides I am not putting my self befor my child I wouldn’t of kept her if I didn’t want her! I had my first to didn’t I? its not the baby that is the problem you stupid people its my body

Answer #4

Wow- you’re very, VERY selfish. Boo-hoo, yeah, pregnancy SUCKS, but that is NO reason to take it out on your child!

He or she isn’t done developing or growing yet! Anything before 37 weeks is premature, and your child could have lung development issues and kidney trouble, is more susceptible to infection, more likely to die of SIDS, and more likely to have colic. Suck it up, lady.

Once you’ve had this baby, maybe you should have a hysterectomy; that way you’ll never be “inconvenienced” again by a growing baby.

Answer #5

A pregnancy is 40 weeks long for a reason - that’s how long it takes for your child to fully develop in utero.

You should be ashamed of yourself for wanting to remove your child from the safest place possible, which currently, is in the womb.

Pregnancy isn’t fun, but you got pregnant (for a third time it would seem), now you’re just going to have to buck up and tough it out…putting your baby in jeopardy for your own benefit is selfish and careless.

Answer #6

Wow… putting yourself before your child… such a fine mother you’ll be…

Answer #7

You all should be ashamed of yourself for not even knowing what this woman may have been going through I have some advice non of you need to ever give anyone advice I am sure none of you are parents of the century!!! AND REMEMBER THIS YOU AREN’T GOD ARE you WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE!!!

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