Help. I want this girl

So I know her name, and I know that she knows mine (but we don’t go to the same school). We are in the same grade (11). We pass each other often but we only smile at each other and say hi. I really want to find a way to get to know her better. Maybe if I could stop her and start walking with her… It’s tricky though because she is pretty shy (I am kind of shy too), I think that she may like me but I can’t be sure. Can I do anything as she goes by to let her know that I’m interested? How can I make a first move and what can I do to get her interested? What do I say to her at first?

Thanks, girls’ advice much appreciated as well as guys’.

Also, I have added her as a friend on the internet. If she accepts, could I do anything on that front?

Answer #1

Maybe you could just say stuff like ‘how are you?’ ‘had a good day?’ and then you’ll be more comfortable with maybe walking with her and exchanging numbers (if you don’t already have them). If she’s as shy as you, she might probably feel the same way so don’t worry - she won’t think you’re a weirdo, you’re just talking. (: hope this helped x

Answer #2

um fine just mu humble advice..

aaa if she accepts then start talking the “internet thing” cause you don’t have a cell. BUT DO NOT ASK HER OUT. ON THE INTERNET.

once your on speaking terms or watver next time you see her in purpose just talk to her. now shell know who you are sinc eu chated bfore. then after a while jsut ask her out.

Answer #3

Good suggestion but I don’t actually have a cell phone. As I said, I do have a certain internet thing (I’m not allowed to say the name on this site). I’m hoping that she will accept my friend request. Even then, what do I say?

Answer #4

ask for her number and then either ring her or text her so you can have more communication plus she will know your intrested. hope this helps a bit

Answer #5

one thing I can say. DONT ASK HER OUT OVER THE INTERNET OR PHONE! that is one of the WORST things any guy can possibly to to a girl! that is only going to make her think youre a coward. and im sure you dont want that impression from her! what I think you should do is go up to her and just tell her! im pretty sure that she is not going to ask you out!! & in my opinion guys should ask out girls.Go up to her and tell her”hey (insert name here) I really like you and I was wondering if you’ll like to chill someday” GIRLS LOVE when guys have the courage to ask them out.If she says yes then ask for her phone # and give her yours. then that way you can talk to each other more and know each other better. just please dont ask her out through the phone! lol hope I helped! take care~Angie(:

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