MSN abuse

This guy that I accepted on msn (I’m friendly I accept just about everyone) has started sending me really bad pics of horrible stuff and I’m not like that! He says if I block him, he’s going to set fire to the house in the middle of the night because he knows where I live but I didn’t tell him! Help!

Answer #1

Ty said it all… But if you didn’t give him your address… chances are, he doesn’t know and he was just joking around.

But that’s not a good thing to joke about, tell him what ty said.

Lemme know how it goes!


Answer #2

Yes I agree with all those answers. I have had the same problem before, and he was saying he is going to kill my family and stuff like that. the best thing to do is block and delete him, if he doesnt know where you live then it doesnt matter. Remember he cant actually find out if you have blocked him or not you will just show up Offline on his msn, for all he knows you could be out. Make sure not to give out phone numbers or addresses online!

Answer #3

I agree with tye thats probably the best way to go

Answer #4

ummm…sorry. I was a little messed up. yeah…

Answer #5

haaaha thsats not funeny atl all! wtfff

Answer #6

Tell him you’re going to call the police if he doesnt stop. Threatening someone on the internet is a crime. And then block him.

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