Help? I'm becoming a pig!!

Ok. Lately, I’ve been stuffing myself and I can’t stop!! I try but when I get bored I tend to eat. What are some ways to keep myself from eating?

Answer #1

All teenage girls do that. :] Dont be so hard on your self.

Answer #2

Just keep yourself entertained. but never starve yourself.

Answer #3

Don’t get bored! Lol, no…drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated. I chew on ice a lot and I hear that might be why I don’t have much of an appetite, but I wouldn’t reccomend it. It’s sposed to be very bad for your teeth.

Answer #4

working out actually reduces the need for food. gum and flavored water helps too it keeps your taste buds satisfied. also when you think you’re hungry it could just be boredom so do something isntead like listen to mmusic or whatever you like. =]

Answer #5

Pick something like carrots or celery to keep handy to snack on. You could even put a little peanut butter on the celery.

Eat your regular meals but snack on vegetables.

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