How can I fix this hairstyle?

I used to have really beautiful hair.It was long smooth,tangle-free,shiny and completely straight because i magic-straightened it. A few months a go,i went to a hair-dreser,they cut half of it off and layered to an extreme extent.Now,its around shoulder length,the layers are still there but they’re really ugly and my hair has gone all frizzy and puffy.My hairstyles always stuff up by the end of the day.Basically,the complete opposite of my before-hair.How do i restore it and make it grow longer?? p.s-Does anyone know how to make hair wavy without an iron?

Answer #1

You wrote too much so I didn’t read all that long stuff but you could just go to like Hair Cuttery or something like that. They will do a good job. Just ask for Sharika she cuts my hair really good. I like her.

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