help for a despreate friend!!!

ok theres this guy my friend really likes and he likes her a lot to. but hes going out with someone elso too and that girl has cheated on him 4 times. hes just givin her another chance. so what can I do to help her and him get together?

Answer #1

your problem is SOOO simple…OMG TELL HIM TO DUMP THAT OTHER girl RIGHT NOW. im sorry but I think its stupid that he is still wit this girl that cheated on him 4 TIMES…I mean honestly??? dump her NOW!…problem solved lol… they are home free…get him and your friend together!

Answer #2

lol thats what I did. I was like no offence but this girl is bad shes wrong ans you need to get rid of her.

Answer #3

My questions is why is he with a girl that treats him like sh*t? Does he know what kind of girl he is with, If he likes your friend them tell him to kick the idiot to the curb and start dating a real person.

Answer #4

Wow tell your friend that cheating has it consequences and honestly if he dos’nt leave her after she cheated on him the first time then he’s dumb!

and cheating should never be in a relationship! cause it’s the worst possible thing you can do …

Answer #5

you should tell him to leave the girl, “once a cheater always a cheater” is almost always true… proof being “4 times”… then he can be with who he wants… hopefully someone that won’t cheat on him…

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