Are guys romantic?

why are boys so confusing.what do they think when they like a girl.hwy dont they just tell you why do you have to telll the, first. are guys romantic?

Answer #1

ok I kind of only got one question out of that…and to awnser it…YES some guys are romantic some are…like I am for instence I love doing romantic stuff with my girlfriend.

Answer #2

oh yes we are pervs drool j/k

just like girls we boys are DIFFERENT meaning some are A-holes while others are pretty nice guys they dont tell you because you dont tell them either. some are shy so they wont show what they feel. you just have to kinda show him you like him and if hes smart enough to understand he will ask you out yes we can be romantic as long as theres a prize, lol (just kidding!)

Answer #3

Ok,im a girl but I have a lot of advice on gorgeous and boys want me all the time,I figured it all out.1.boys live in a world of their own.they think oooh look at that a**. a-that’s supposed to be a compliment but it offends some girls. b-some are just perverted 2.boys are confusing because they leave you in suspense. a-they’ll do something nice for you and be nice a lot to make you think they like you. b-they embarass you then when you’re alone apologize that’s their way of confusing. and 3. some guys are romantic and some just suck at it

I know I probrably didnt help,but I hope I did just a lil.

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