Is there a possibility of me being pregnant?

I am mega worried, me and my boyfriend had sex last night and when we got done we realized the condom wasn’t on, but yet it was stuck inside me, and when we pulled it out it had some semen in it and a lot on the outside, it was pushed up against the wall of my uteris the top part so it in a way protected me, but is it possible that he jizzed in the condom then just sort of f-it off, like he pushed back in and pulled out once, then the condom just leaked out? And is it good that I immediately wiped it out? I need help I am so worried I do not want to get pregnant!!! and I can’t tell my grandma she’d flip, so think I’ll be ok?

Answer #1

where are you in your cycle? if your around day fourteen if you have a 28 day cycle then your chances go up

Answer #2

well there is a half and half chance because the semen didnt go all the way you and may not have made it up there enough to fertilize the egg and if it didnt that means the semem died and you not pregnant. but get a home test to to be on the safe side. best of luck!

Answer #3

Any time you have unprotected sex, there is a possibility that you can get pregnant, and yes, if the condom came off, then sperm likely reached your cervix. Even if you have a very regular cycle, you can become pregnant any time as ovulation time can vary. Unfortunately there will be no way to know for several weeks. You generally have to wait until you are late for your next period before you can take a home pregnancy test, and even the test they give you at the doctor won’t register positive until you’ve built up enough pregnancy hormone (usually takes about 4-6 weeks). Good luck.

Answer #4

your screwed

Answer #5

morning after pill just to be safe !

Answer #6

dont wait to find out, just get plan b and its all good

Answer #7

Yeah but I can’t tell my grandma or god knows what will happen.

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