What if you like one guy

What if you like one guy and he likes you but your ex is still in love with you help me plesae

Answer #1

I’ve been down this road before. I’m a guy so I might not be the help your looking for. But I fell in love with this girl, we got into an argument, so I admitted my feelings to her. I was surprised that she returned the feelings I had shown. About a week later she broke up with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend still liked her (obviously), so she talked to me about the things that happened. She also talked to me about her boyfriend and if she was frantic she would normally calm down. My advice to you, is to be friendly with your ex, and keep talking to that guy you like. Also do you know the guy you like likes you for sure? Eventually your ex should find out that its over between you two and he’ll move on. For me that guy was my best friend, and he started liking the girl’s best friend… go figure. Hope this helped

Answer #2

Do you still like your ex?

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