Should I go out with him?

This guy asked me out and I really like him but my friends tell me to say no.


Answer #1

trust your gut :)

Answer #2

it never hurts to try first of all. They might have a reason why theyre saying no. So try and find out. If its nothing big then try it and if it works out then im glad =) Becasue trust me… if you have a chance now and you dont take it you might regret it later.. and hey if it doesnt work out.. then move on =)

Answer #3

Its Up 2 You. Its Your Decision Who You Go Out With Not Your Friends.Your The One Who Might Be Going Out With The Lad Not Your Mate.

Answer #4

Why are your friends saying no? If its only because of the way he looks or his personality then I’d go for it.

Answer #5

the question here should be why are they telling you no, what do they know or think that they are not telling you, and in the end it is your choice not your friends

Answer #6

you friends cant stop you, you never know he might be the best guy your’e ever had?

Answer #7

Your friends might be jealous but if you really like him say yes

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