Could I be pregnant or is it all in my head?

Hey! Im 19 years old and I get my period regularly every 30days my last period was on Dec. 05, 2008 and I still havnt gotten my period… I have sever low back pain and crampin in my legs, my breast are itchy, and I’ve seemed to lost my appitiet, I’ve been very forgetful, and moody. I took a pregnancy test and got a negitive result. Could I be pregnant or is it all in my head?

Answer #1

Three possibilities:

  1. You are pregnant and the test just doesn’t show it yet. Take it again in a few weeks if you still haven’t gotten your period.

  2. Your period has been delayed due to stress – maybe because of the holidays.

  3. Your body is experiencing a medical problem that is delaying your normal cycles. If, in a month, you still haven’t had your period and the pregnancy test is still negative, then make an appointment with your doctor for a check up.

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Answer #2

u could be pregnant. Pregnancy tests sometimes if they say negative then it’s possible it’s wrong, but if it says possitive then it’s always right b/c I dunno if the test detects the hormone then it’s deffinitly there or atleast that’s what my mom was talking abt once an she’s had 6 kids

Answer #3

It mightve been 2 soon for the test but my friend is pregnant now and the first time she took the test it came negative too so try is again in a week.

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