Pregnant and have to tell my parents

im pregnetz and im olny 13 I have not told my parents et!!

Answer #1

Talk to your parents about it…But you are not considered a teenager yet…you cant have sex at this age! You can also talk to the father about it or mabey put the baby up for adoption. It’s your choice,,,but you have to decide if a baby at your age right now is what you want.

Answer #2

lol no way thats awesome

do what you want adopt, abort or keep it but you should tell your parents soon (you know set up that fund)

or eat a lot (so they will not notice)

Answer #3

I know this isnt what you want to hear, but tell your parent. for yours and the babies sake.

like now…


Answer #4

13 Girl thats sooo young your hardly even considerd a teenager. Bu t you need to talk to your parents and let them know whats going on so you can go to the doctor and get vitamins and or talk over what you think your going to do about the situation.

Answer #5

Sorry. You shoud’ve thought about this problem before !!! Your problem!!! Your 13…HELLO 13 and have S*X??? I dont know where this world is going to…!!!

Answer #6

you should keep the baby, and give it up for adoption, your parents will understand your choice, after all…they chose you

Answer #7

talk to your parents about it. talk to the babys daddy. and have a long and fruitful conversation about what your going to do.

Answer #8

The best thing to do is tell your parents. because there is not much that they can do from there. But if your parents are the violent type, I would go to the police first and tell them that you are pregnant and that you are scared of what action your mom or dad might take as in hurting you. Also you might consider telling the father of the baby. but please do not abort the baby, the only way abortion should be considered is if you were raped. If you are farther than five months and you abort the doctors will induce you into labor and once the heasd pops out they will stab scissor like things into the back of the brain cavity spread it open and suck the brains out and presto they pull the rest of the body out and burn it. So think about it would you want to make a baby that can be born at five months and live die that way?

Answer #9

Woah..girl im thirteen listen take your parents and talk to them they cannot hurt you or anything.. Wow you can really be in trouble for this and what in the world will make you have S.E.X that is very not for our age I kiss and do things with my boyfriend..anything is BETTER then sex,,,now just cause your pregnant its setting you back on a lot of things in life..

Answer #10

Woah, I really feel for you. Its got to be so scary, but you have to accept it and begin to come to terms with it. You HAVE to talk to your parents, and I know it sounds awful but decide whether having a baby at 13 is really what you want. Don’t make any rash decisions, you have to discuss this with you parents, its father and your friends. But ultimatly it is your decision and dont let anyone force you into anything.

And for future reference, sort out some more effective contraception :)

Good luck

:) xxx

Answer #11

wow just tell them that you are pregant and see what they do thats all you can do or have someone else tell them for you or just have the babys dad tell them dammm I am 14 and you are 13 and you are preganet

Answer #12

You should of thought about it before having sex, but talk to your baby’s daddy and parents.

Answer #13

well.. how old is the father? cause my girlfriend was 14 when she got pregnant by me. heart55 just doesnt get things. you will be fine, its stressful, I know. but def talk to the dad about what he wants to do, and if you decide to keep it then def get into the doctor and they will let you know what you can do. good luck

Answer #14

i am pregnant right now and the way i told my parents is i first told my babies dad n then we both went together and told each of our families! but the best thing is to stay calm for your babies sake and think clearly right now. Talk to the babies father about your guys options and first make sure your on the same page then thats when you tell your parents. and if he isnt supportive then have a close friend or relative go with you!

Good Luck! And Congrats!

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