Why can't I get pregnant?

i read wat you wrote and i had a simular problem. I realy want to get pregnant and i no of the consequences and im 16. So what should i do? My bf promised he wouldnt leave me when i got pregnant. And we have tried x4 times and no luck :( HELP PLEASE!!


Answer #1

omg hunny ur 16andjust because he says that doesnt mean thats what will happen (im not sayng he will leave u but just trust me ) u dont want a baby at 16

Answer #2

Hey I don’t believe anything they are saying! Have a baby its your life I know I am 21 and been with this guy sense I was 17 he promised me too that he be here and he is! well if its ment to be it will happen and I think it will all be ok just keep trying!

Answer #3

Guys will say what you want to hear to get s*x. Don’t believe that he won’t try to bail if you get pregnant. Please rethink this.

Answer #4

live your life – your not ready for a baby no matter what you think and no matter what your boyfriend says– he will leave you

Answer #5

God will give you a baby in due time you are to young to have a baby, you have a whole life ahead of you..

Answer #6

what is wrong with you …you are 16 years old… you are not mature enough to raise a kid …how will you support it? where will you live? and your b/f is lieing to you …

Answer #7

Its really up to you if you want a baby. My mom hade me when she was 16. its not easy. luckly she hade help from family. you should talk to yours first! Tell them this. and I’m not sure if he will stay. talk to him about this alot. babys cost over 1000$ a mouth. are you ready for that? And the problem may not be with you. but him. Talk to your doctor.

Answer #8

I am 24 years old, have been married for just about 4 years and have a 8 month old baby. Trust me it is not easy having a baby, I had all of these ideas of how it would be before I had her and once I had my baby let me tell you it was nothing like I thought it would be! Im so glad that I never had a child when I was a teen, your life will never be the same again, your freedom will be gone. Don’t get me wrong I love my baby and I am so glad that I had her but Im also an adult and don’t need to have all the fun I needed to have when I was a kid. Also your bf will leave you once he realizes how much a responsiblitity have a child is. PLEASE don’t get pregnant now, wait until you are an adult.

Answer #9

Grow up and live ur own life before bringing someone else into the world. Why do you want to miss out on so much fun? you have at least another thirty years to have kids, dont put so much responsibility on your shoulders, have fun while your young you shouldnt have any responsibilitys yet. Theres no way your boyfriend will stay with you know matter how much he thinks he will, he wont want a baby at his age.

Answer #10

well tes him lie that ur pregnant firs see what his real reaction is.. its alot of hassel wouldnt u rather bring a baby to this world knowing u were gona give it all u have have money a job. aford it.. babys are expensive. talk to your mom or dad about it and see howd they react before u do it.. also.. youl probably have stretch marks.. cuz ur still young. but its ur choice. see his real reaction first.. if uve tried 4 x its obviosuly not ment to be. dont do it

Answer #11

i thought that u were a guy

Answer #12

um hunny ur out of ur mind to want to have a kid at 16

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