How should my Mom change her hair?

My mom is thinking about changing her hair completely. Her natural hair color is dark brown. and is 2 inches below her shoulders. Its a little damaged and dry. And she has aloot of hair and is very wavy. she wants to be blonde. Should she bleach or just color and highlight? Also she wants to cut her hair just on the shoulders. And layered. And mabye asking a stylist to use texturizing sheers (or razors) to take some weight off the hair. Would this work? Or does anybody have any other ideas. Please let me know. Thanks

Answer #1

Here’s some ideas:

Good luck !!

Answer #2

If she wants to go blonde, then tell her that if she is willing to maintain it every couple weeks, then go for it, if not, then I’d stick with highlights, because especially the first time you dye it, it fades out QUICK! especially in the summer. Now, it’s smart that she is going to a stylist, because the only way for her hair to actually look blonde and not orange, is to get it professionally done. I don’t know what your mother looks like, so I can’t say what I think would look best on her. All I can say is, cutting some hair off, will help get rid of a little weight, but no matter what, if you have thick hair, then you just do. I wish you both all the luck. <3

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