How tall am I going to be?

how tall am I going to be?

Answer #1

Maybe if you enter some more info…eg, how old you are, how tall you are now, how tall your mom & dad are, etc.

Usually, people are close to their parents in height. If you have a tall dad, and your mom’s family is also tall, then you might be taller than your dad.

However, if your dad is short & your mom has even shorter people in her family, you’ll probably end up an inch or two shorter than your dad.

Hope that helps.

Answer #2

I don’t think it’s directly related to your parents heights, their parents’ genes also play a role. Genetics are a contributing factor as well as your physical activity. If you gym a lot and lift heavy weights your growth can be stunted (This is due to excessive strain being put on your back and growth plates). Doctors are sometimes able to predict your height by looking at your growth plates ie. if they are large then you will be fairly tall. It shouldn’t be worrying you if your young as boys only stop growing at 21. If your older than this and have serious issues with you height you can probably get a doctor to prescribe growth hormone to you. FC Barcelona’s Leo Messi had height problem. The club put him on growth hormone and he grew a significant amount…

Answer #3

okk my dad 6’4 and his family tall and mom family short my mom like 5’6/5’7

Answer #4

I think if your tall when your young around 10 you be at least 5 foot 12

Answer #5

You can’t ever find out how tall you are until you reach 17 but you can get a doctor to give you a breif idea but as i said it can’t be 100% accurate and as thedude said you have to look at the heights of say you mum, dad n the rest of ur family. You will probably be in between their heights

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