What the heck just happened?!?!

Alright, so I dozed off a couple minutes ago and I had a terrifying dream about these giant wasps attacking me. Then I woke up and I thought I saw all these huge friggin wasps flying around my room! And I thought I could hear them buzzing and like, I was swatting at them and stuff. I just ran out of my room as fast as I could after that :’( What just happened?! My daddy’s in there now for the second time, checking if there’s any wasps. He says there aren’t..BUT THEN WHAT WERE THOSE?!?! Please help :’(

Answer #1

wow well maybe it was a illusion or a memory

Answer #2

Sometimes your mind projects, so you’re half awake and just sort of carried on with the dream.

Answer #3

umm cross over betwen the dream state and the awake state prolly its kinda like your awake but still dreaming

Answer #4

Often when you have a deep dream, the effects are carried through to the stage when you just wake up. For example if you dream you get punched or shot or something, you may wake up and feel sore. At this point when you THOUGHT you saw wasps, you could have been still partly asleep, while you felt you were awake. This is very common. Hope this helped!

Answer #5

Often when you have a deep dream, the effects are carried through to the stage when you just wake up. For example if you dream you get punched or shot or something, you may wake up and feel sore. At this point when you THOUGHT you saw wasps, you could have been still partly asleep, while you felt you were awake. This is very common. Hope this helped!

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