How do I get over being heartbroken?

My boyfriend that i went out with for over a year just broke up with me. I really don’t know what to do anymore. I feel torn into a million peices. He was my everything.and now everything i do or see reminds me of him.And it’s really hard Can somebody help me get through this?

Answer #1

Hi there - I wish I could provide you with some miracle that could alleviate heartbreak. However, I can’t and no else can. Time is the worst painkiller, and you need to give yourself time. He will always be part of your heart, but at some point you will learn to let him go. I am 27 now, and I sometimes think of the boyfriend I had at 20. I still love him, but we weren’t compatible. We fought too much…and eventually I learned to let him go. No tears. No regrets. We don’t speak anymore, but there will always be a special place for him in my heart. The only thing I can suggest is to surround yourself with friends and family or stay busy with work or new hobbies. Having too much time to think and ponder and think some more could be very destructive. As of right now, all you are thinking about is the pain. You’ll look back at this relationship and understand why it didn’t work…and look for all the qualities in a new boyfriend that you need and deserve. Also ask yourself why your relationship didn’t work out. Was it something you did? Was it something he did? This will be a learning experience for you in your next relationship. You will gain wisdom and develop standards for what you need in your new man…and also think of things that could be done differently in your next relationship for it to be ongoing and worthwhile. As weeks progress, you will learn to regroup and do more logical thinking within and about yourself. Hope this helps…and good luck!

Answer #2

join the club. theres no easy way to get over someone, but in time you’ll get over him

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