Why is my boyfriend doing this to me?

I’ve been dating this guy for 4 months and its been going great!!! Eveything went downhill a few days ago after his dad thought I’d been calling all day long (it was a friend trying to figure out if his best friend liked her) and when I called to talk to him his dad was really rude to me!!! I told him the next day that I understand and not to worry about it. Now he’s ignoring me and being a jerk. Im confused and I dont have the slighest clue how to handle this. Any advice

  • Confused and Hurt
Answer #1

His dad prob told him to ignore you or something, you should tell the dad to get fraging caller id lol kidding, Just ignore him and not talk to him and when he trys to talk to you then SHUT HIM OUT, as in dont even talk to him just completly ignore him, dont even look at him. trust me it will make him feel like complete sht.. and guilty for ignoring you and such. It might be mean, but who cares hes making you feel like sht. Than few days after you can forgive him and than you guys will be fine again. Dont take his sh*t. :)

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