he wont go away...

ok. after some good advice from dark, I’ve decided to forget about my ex boyfriend. BUT HOW!? just a few hours ago…I have… -watched funny shows that usually make me laugh -called a few friends to take my mind off him -deleted him from my cell phone,address book,etc. -took a nap -read a book, and took a nice bath to relax AND AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE DONE THE THOUGHT OF HIM JUST WORKS ITS WAY INTO MY HEAD! even right after we’ve broke up,I’ve done millions of things to stop thinking about him, like hanging around my guy friends,or talking for hours about nothing with some horny friend of mine(who’s a guy,and might I add,was a bit cute) and my ex just kept coming in! I kept hearing my ex’s voice instead of the person I was actually talking to!nothing’s worked yet.am I just being some over-emotional girlfriend? how can I get over him? thats something I would like to do asap.

Answer #1

Take this from me! I am in the same boat you are, its been 4 months since we broke up and I can’t seem to get him out of my head. The only thing I haven’t tried is to make him think I am happy without him. Try it. I am I have stopped calling and everything. In the end maybe he will come back. That is my only hope.

Answer #2

Not entirely sure what your situation is, Pokey, but if it’s anything like this girls then I’d say seek therapy. She was in a very one sided relationship with a guy whom she loved but who sadly seems to have no love for her beyound what’s in her pants. It’s natural to have trouble getting over something like this and unfortunatly there is no quick method of doing so. The harder you try NOT to think about that person the more you’ll find that you can’t get that person off your mind. The only advice I can give on that is to just get on with living. Cool off for a few weeks or even months and then start dating again (someone else not your ex).

Answer #3

This is what everyone has made me think! You aren’t loosing out he is, If he really does love you he will come back. You just have to be patient. I know its hard, I for one do not have patience, but I have to wait it out, and let him get his shit together, no one can make him change except him. If you need anything don’t feel shy too ask me. Like I said I am in the same boat as you, too me life can’t go on without him.

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