He's so hot , but he's going out with my friend !

Hey , There is this girl, [A good friend of mine] and she’s going out with this guy. I think he’s super hot. And I likee him a lot. he used to like me, but I went out with his best friend instead. I wish him and her would breeak up so I could go out with him, or mabey I could tell her how I feel ? I don’t know , please help. im confuuuseed. :/


Answer #1

Try being less of a slut, and leave other girls’ boyfriends alone for once.

Answer #2

if she cares a lot about him and he cares a lot about him would it be fair for you to date him?

Answer #3

You sound like a home recker. Your friend is happy with this guy?? Then leave them the hell alone, you will be hurting her and you will loose a friend. You just sound like a horrible friend if you think like that and judging by your other questions you sound like a slut even if you are a virgin.

Answer #4

Somebodies gotta put a WARNING TAG ON YOU!lol…omg!

BE CAREFUL IM HERE TO STEAL YOUR MAN!!!Slutzilla ROAR!!… stop embaressing our sex please…people are going to think all girls have no self control and are waiting to steal every man they fancy.

Answer #5

I think the reason your asking for advice is because your NOT A SLUT, AND you DONT WANNA STEAL ANYONE ELSE’S MAN, which SOME people need to understand. everyone goes thru soemthing like this in their life, and I wish everybody would stopped acting so da.mn perfect. ANYWAYS lol, you shouldn’t do anything tho. I went thru something similar to this once..and I’m telling u..I thought I would juss fall out if I didnt have this guy for myself lol. but as time went by he didnt seem as appealing to me..because I met other guys, went out, and juss lived my life..and then I finally met someone who was totally hot, and DIDN’T belong to someone else !! I couldn’t even remember that boy that I wanted sooo bad lol. but trust me, it may seem IMPOSSIBLE to move on mentally, but you can do it. you’ll feel a lot less guilty that you didnt’ go for someone else’s guy in the longrun, and you’ll eventually get something that’s YOURS FIRST, not sloppy seconds. because no matter what..even if God answered your prayers haha and you ended up with him, you’d be considered a man-stealer or his sloppy seconds. you don’t want that, your too good for that. juss move along, and these feeling will pass. I always get worried that the person I’m writing to won’t take my advice, but in your case I REALLY REALLY hope that you do, because I’m telling you from experience. don’t go left when I’m saying go RIGHT!! :] GOOD LUCK AND TAKE CARE !!

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