He's annoying me!

I have to take a freshman class even though I’m a sophmore because I when I moved into the school its wasnt available. Well there is this weird as polish guy(no offense to polaks) and he wont leave me alone. He keeps on saying innapropriate things like you have sexy lips and I want those lips on mine or he’ll wink at me and touch me. I yell at him all the time and tell him to f`k off but he wont get the big a hint. I seriously want to kill him and I wont tell the teacher becasue I’m just not like that. What can I say or do to get him off my back???

Answer #1

I think you should still mention it to the teacher even though you really don’t want to, just do it in private. Tell her to make him sit at the other side of class, what he’s doing isn’t ok.

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