He really likes me but what to do

So this guy and I have been talking for a month now. He was the one to start talking to me and has been talking to me a lot, gave me his number, text me all the time, we have hung out a lot and hold hands and this past weekend we fall asleep on the couch together, and he always shows up where I am at and always talking to me and we have so much fun together. I am really starting to fall for me and his friends tell me that he really likes me, because he normally doesn’t go after girls and for him to be like this means something. But they also said that he really shy and doesn’t up real much about how he is feeling. So my question is…do I keep hanging out with him and see how things go and see if he brings up how he is feeling or do I say something sometime soon about how I am feeling him? I don’t want to scare him off or anything and I am not the type of girl to be aggressive with this stuff…Another question is, is it bad as the girl to be asking him to hangout and do something together?

Answer #1

Wow congratulations! He sounds really nice and you both seem to really like each other. I think you needn’t worry about him telling you how he feels, let him take his time and when he feels ready he’ll tell you. Either way, actions are stronger then words and if he’s spending all this time with you it’s enough to show he really cares. Also, it isn’t bad at all to ask him to hang out and do stuff. He’ll be so happy I’m sure! Asking him to do stuff together is the equivalent of telling him you like spending time with him!

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