He just basically dumped me!?!?!

after I asked him who the freak The little white girl on his top friend was he asked me if I really think we are working out. So I told him…

Well, I am gonna say yes, but this is probally the part where yew are gonna say, well I dont I do not think its working so sorry but its over, and I am going to be heart broken. And yew are gonna say we are still gonna be friends. So yew know what. Before yew can dump me, I am gonna have to say gud bye and Have a nice lyfe

Does that mean he is cheating?? Yew know since he dumps me after I confront him

Answer #1

Mayb your just bein to obseaed lol.. I had a guy like that he demarnded I changed my relationship statues on facebook

Answer #2

I wouldnt go as far as cheating… but I think he’s probably getting closer to someone else, bummer.

you were too good for him anyway :)

Answer #3

naww you poorr thing !! maybe he is not the right guy 4 u ! I think maybe he mite b cheating from the sounds of it sorry

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