He is mad at me!

Jeff is mad at me for my what he calls my demanding behavior and my inability to answer the phone. He is has a lot going on in his life and reaches out for me. He has called me a bitch in anger and has yelled at me numerous amount of times. We live in different states and he was about to leave to Japan until he was ordered to stay in the states because of a medical problem. I have a hard time dealing with him because he does not trust me when I tell him I am going to bed. He has been cheated on before and yet he assumes that is what I am doing when he knew I had my own life before we got together. He and I were friends since 2003 and now that we are a couple it is absolutely the pits since he has little respect for women. He has told me what he thinks and has seen about women and I feel sorry for him. I think that breaking up with him is the right thing to do because if you love someone, you never do anything to hurt their feelings and I think that verbal abuse is never necessary. So with that I know what I have to do, I want to talk to someone who might offer some advice.

Cordially, Lost in Love

Answer #1

I agree with you. Tell him that if he can’t trust you how can he expect you to trust him. Explain that you care about him and that your hurt that he believes otherwise. On this be ulta sweet. Tell him that you can’t allow yourself to be used as his verbal punching bag in place of his ex. That you might be willing to talk to him when he gets over her but until that time you have enough respect for him as well as yourself to give him room.

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