He is going to the Milatary!

There is this guy and I really care about him. I mean not like I like him, At least I didnt think so untill he told me this.. He signed up in october and His basic training starts on the 27th. I can not let him go. I love him so much. I started crying when he told me. Is there anything I can say to convince him to stay? He can not do this to me. Can he?? GAH!! WHY ISNT THIS ILLEGAL

Answer #1

if he is going away give a neclage with the engrave I love you and pics of you insidee the heart or watever or give him something that is special to him so that he knows that you love him and its really sad for you to let hm go

Answer #2

it sounds like you two might need to sit down and have a chat about this. the military ithing s very very serious and it isn’t easy. . . its going to be absolute hell if hes not doing it for the right reasons. tell him you want him to do it because HE wants to. It shouldnt have anything to do with anyone else (even you). this is serious so just be straight up.

Answer #3

My boyfriend is in the military to so I know how you feel :( it sucks!!! but if you honestly think youlove him. and want to be in a relationship (and this is especially if you forsee a longterm relationship) than let him go. I know its hard, but if this is something hes passionate about then you need to be totally supportive (cause chances are hes sad about leaving you too. what he needs is your totally support and to know you’re going to be there for him. If you guilt him in to staying or droping out he will probably resent you for it later. it will be hard and scarey believe me. but you NEED to be supportiv!!!

Answer #4

he’ll love you more for being supportive. thats what he needs right now :)

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