He got the wrong idea

there is a guy I have been giving blow jobs too, my friend told me that he thinks that I only give him them so he’ll be nice to me, but its not true. How do I tell him the truth. that I love him???

Answer #1

then you tell him!

Answer #2

Sad but true, you are being used and the guy brobably thinks you are cheap. so chances of him taking you are very slim. tell him how you feel but prepare yourself fr anything

Answer #3

she right he is using you but if you really do luv him then sit down have a chat then just kinda tell him but if youre only giving him bjs ask him if hes only being nice to because of that tell him to tell you the truth its really the only way

Answer #4

Oh my Hun, you have the WRONG version of what love is. You are only showing him how easy you are! Blowjobs are NOT a sign of affection! The boy is just USING you!!

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