Having me on??

There is a girl at my school called louise and she has loads of older boy mates(just mates) she told me that one of her mates like me but I have never seen him and I asked her how does he like mw when I’ve never seen him and she said he’d seen me walking outta school.I think she’s just messin. She showe dme a pic but didn’;t tell name?? Do you think she is haveing me on??

Answer #1

I dont know tbh. She could be having you on.. she could be serious. I think I would just forget about everything she has said about this boy… if you and this boy have never seen each other.. then theres not really any point in worrying about it… its not like you are going to go out if you know nothing about each other. There are girls out there that like to tell others these kind of stupid things… its pathetic… but true. Just forget about it =] Kirsty x

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