Have you seen a google coke before, or a yahoo pepsi?

My wife made a really nice image (attached) of a Google coke can, a Yahoo pepsi can, an MSN mountain dew can, an AOL dr pepper can and an Ask sprite can last week as part of a promotion for FunAdvice.

What do you think…are search engines like soft drinks, in that each one appearls to certain people by it’s perceived characteristics & marketing?

Answer #1

That sounds real adoreable. I’ve never heard of soft drinks with search engines or websites. What a good promotion.

Answer #2

nice idea, funny.

yes I think search engines have theyre own characteristics and appeal to different tastes.

for eg. google appeals to most young people who are looking for things that arent supposed to be looked for (you get the idea lol) and it works… msn and yahoo cater mostly to serious people and to those with less internet experience. these 2 search engines concentrate on more legit things than google eg.2. by a simple trick you can use google to find passwords to X rated adult sites (thats one of those not to be looked for) in theory you could use the same simple trick on msn or yahoo, but no it wont work because msn and yahoo filter certain sites and searches that may contain illicit or illegal things.

apart from google all search engines are commercial (google is a bit less) and thus any search you will type will first be run through theyre ‘sponsors’ and such so you wont wander far from affiliates of the search engine.

now I wont carry on because this would take all night to explain cons and pros of different search engines… I think this was long enough

hooray for coke!

Answer #3

I saw the whole blog thing and it was so interesting and unique. I definitely loved the idea, brilliant. And I’m even more happier that Coke came before Pepsi lol

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