Have you ever called your boyfriend pretty?

Have you ever related yur boyfriend to feminine terms? I called my ex pretty once! Ahaha. His reaction was cutee. (:

Answer #1

all the guys I find cute I call the following ;) . Gorgeous Pretty Beautiful Sexii Cute Adorable -or- Beyond SEXII . . but have you seen the guys I like? they all look really girly!! ^_^ but I love it!!

Answer #2

yip…only once when he called me pretty so I called him that too… I call my boyfriend the following names… cute sexi babe pretty baby boy honey georgous handsome adorable snuggly cupcake 4 a joke… shana…caus he always calls me that…

Answer #3

WOW! most of your are joking? I take it seriously… o.O this is not only to my japanese celebs either, so… wow…

Answer #4

haha! No…I’ve never called him pretty, I think I’ve called him Hott lol…he just says I’m cute.

Answer #5

Yeah one time but it was like he called me pretty and I said “aw thanks you too!”

Answer #6

I tell my hubby he’s beautiful all the time.

Beauty is more than just looks - it’s also personality

Answer #7

Yes. Mostly jokingly.

Answer #8

yup bt ido it 2 annoy them lol :))

Answer #9

That’s like my favorite adjective for guys. They so don’t expect that. But to me and my friends Pretty basically = HELLA HOt. Lol.

Answer #10

Yeah, but just being funny(:

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