Has this happened to anyone before?

okay there’s this guy that liked me for 2 years and he just recently told me like 3 weeks ago.so we’ve been talking and we made it official last Tuesday. he was the one who kept asking me when are we going to start a b.f and g.f relationship.He’s a really nice guy, he seemed like he really liked me, he would walk me home some days, we would kiss and talk in the stairways afterschool.then today we had a little fight and then he sent me an e-mail saying that he hasn’t had a girlfriend for a long time so he’s still into the flirting thing.he says he still likes me a lot but he doesn’t want a commitment right now and he still wants to be friends.like I don’t know what to think right now.Guys, did you ever like a girl a lot but you didn’t want to make a commitment because you were still into the whole flirting thing?

Answer #1

I guess he is a player, and he had a fight with is g.f and you where there to mend is broken heart

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