What happened to Rock and Roll music?

Answer #1

It’s still around, though it has gotten a bit more sceamy, in my opinion. Less music, less lyrics, more noise. It’s transformed, just like everything else. I’m obviously not one to talk at the ripe old age of 20, but my parents are well versed musically, and what I’ve listened to with them is nothing like the stuff on radios today. “Today’s music ain’t got the say soul. I like that old time Rock n’ Roll…” :)

Answer #2

*make that screamy, not sceamy. Silly typos.

Answer #3

LOL, Thanks Heaven.

Answer #4

I am a firm believer that the Best Rock and Roll, was made from 1952 to 1978. I just listen to that old stuff and it sounds so pure and raw. Those Artist didnt go to music school, they were either born with it or they learned it at church or in their garages. This stuff today is over produced, with to much going on at once. They used to go into a studio and record, and the stuff they made was real, not over mixed and dubbed. I wish music would go back in that direction. :)

Answer #5

Not into techno eh? Haha

Answer #6

Yeah it’s changed a lot. There’s alternative, punk, metal, screamo, hardcore, just a long list. Well as a part of this new generation, I like it. Of course the future will bring forth even more genres..

Answer #7

I have no idea but i’m only 13 and I want the old 70’s 80’s rock back it was so much better!

Answer #8

Thank You!

Answer #9

I dont care if there is a million genre’s of music, as long as the people making the music have actual musical talent. Screaming is not a talent, if it was my parents would have been on American Idol.

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