What happened to Michael Jackson?

I never really understood what happened to him- why he died etc. Some people say it was murder, some suicide… I have no idea. Help? lol.

Answer #1

He has passed away :) Hehe, I know you are from N.Z so it’s ok to be a little bit behind Australia when it comes to the news. :P

Answer #2

hmm..i guess she means what exactly happened to him..

Answer #3

A lot of people feel the need to question how a celebrity died. Maybe he was just sick and suddenly died. Maybe someone poisoned him or something. Why should it matter though? You shouldn’t mourn or question those who died. You should instead remember what that person has done for us and think proudly of him.

Answer #4

his heart stopped beating (cardiac arrest i think) due to a cocktail of drugs

Answer #5

He was sick, and he always asked his doctors for pain killers, and they were like drogs, so once he asked for over dozes and got killed ! I believe it’s his doc’s responsibility !! GUILTY DOC HAHA

Answer #6

they b,b,b,buried him

Answer #7

the illuminati killed him , dont know what that is ? search it up .

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