What do I need for a hamster?


Answer #1

You need a cage of course. 1 sawdust 2 waterbottle 3 water for the waterbottle 4 toys like a weel 5 A chew block is a grey werid soft block that hamsters/guiena pigs/rabbits have to gnaw on which helps them shorten there teeth,so they don’t get to long. 6Make sure you have her/him foodbowl never emtey

7 once or twice a day give her/him a carret,lettece,celery or tomato.NOT all of them just choose two and give her/him one in the morning and one befor you go to bed. 8 A weel {best to get one that is’nt attached to the cage}Get one that she/he can run around the house in.But if you have a small house best to get one attached to the cage 8 I hoped I helped.By the way give your little hammy friend lots of love every single day!

Answer #2

IN LOVING MEMOREY OF MY TWO HAMSTER WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY Minnie-A long haired,fluffy,creamy,crazy hamster Story-P.S We Were Traveling From England To Live In Ireland! Minnie was in a cage {we were going to get her a new because her cage bar was brocken a little.We stayed in a hotel on our way,Minnie had to stay in the car (sniff) The next morning she was gone! I had a grass head which I found out Minnie had eaten all the grass off it.We found her in the boot with all the bags..What did she do for two whole days.There was a hole near the place where the driver puts his/her feet.I think she went up there? Soon after we moved to Irland Minnie got an infection…she died.I buired her in my Nannys garden.Shes still there today…may she rest in peace in hammy heaven…

Crumbs-Crumb’s was a tiny little grey/brownish hamster,she had a pure black line down her back,it was cool! Story-Crumbs was my bestest friend ever.I loved her sssooo much.I would take her out all the time after school.And baby tomatos were nearly as big as her..hee hee.But one day after school…I ran inside the house,went straight to the kitchen got Crumbs some tomato’s,put them in her cage…I waited for her to come out…I waited so long.I said ‘’Come on out you sleepy head I got you some tomatos,the one’s you like…I waited…I opened the lid and she lay there with wide lil black eyes staring up at me…I ran to my mammy I cried and cried.I sluttered out she’s …she’s dead.Who? my mam said…Crumbs she’s…{cryed} I’ll never forget dear ole Crumbs.She only lived for a year…she didn’t even get to use all her cristmas presents…I…miss…her so so much…I really do…

Answer #3

Cage, water bottle, food dish, food, bedding (carefresh is better than shavings, it’s colourful foam stuff), a couple of cat balls, a wheel, and some chew sticks.

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