Hairstyles for school

I need really good hair styles for my hair… My hair has layers too please help me oh ya and the hair styles are for school

Answer #1

Straighten Your Hair And Put It Up..x

I Have Layers In My Hair And It Luks So Nice When It Is Straight..x

And If You Put It Up, All Your Layers Look So Awesome..x

Answer #2

Well they’re always straighin it but also 1 of my favourite is

  1. Put you hair in a boble at the bk (like a ponytail) 2.Get a large and long clip. make sure its strong 3.Twist the ponytail and lift it 2 the top of your top way. 4.Clip the middle of it.

Plus you could just get a boble and stick all your hair 2 one side of your head and tie it tight. That looks nice

Plus if you have a frindge you could straignten all your hair and put a THICK hairband on without taking bk your frindge…x Hope this helps…XxXxXxX

Answer #3

tease your hair really big =D especially that you have layers, it’ll look AWESOME

Answer #4

braid it and sleep with it in, in the morning it will be wavy!!

Answer #5

put it in a messy bun they always look nice

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